Monday, March 30, 2009

Some Assembly Required ;-)

I've been working away on Amy D's red native costume. Finished putting together all the tassels required (over 120) and finished braiding the floss for the halter and breastcollar. Trimed down the drape pieces and laid them out together to take a few artsy photos. Why not have fun with the creative process all around, I say? Since I was getting a strong amount of natural sunlight, it tends to wash out the greens and make the red seem waaay more pink than it is. Ah well. I assure you, they are all nice primary colors. You may notice that I use 2 different shades of each color to make my tassels. I have found that it gives the finished piece a sort of glowing look... like when shadows are cast.

Better views of the work-in-progress:
I am in love with my Nikon D60!

That's all for now. Back to watching superhero movies while sewing ;-)


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