Tuesday, January 26, 2016

First tack piece in 6 years

It's been a few years, to be sure. Many people take hiatus from the hobby at times. I only took one in the past during the end of my teen years... but I always come back. The plastic ponies call to me and require tack. In the meantime, I've become a software developer - and through that endeavor became the privileged owner of a few horses - the real mccoy. All of them have been purebred or half Arabians (no surprise, I'm sure). I had the distinct thrill of showing both of my geldings at the U.S. Nationals in Tulsa, Oklahoma last past October, and thanks to their incredible breeding came home with Top Ten honors. After all that excitement, I've settled down for a long winter and can return to some crafting again, finally!

Valentine's Day is right around the corner, and I took some color inspiration from the holiday for this next piece. It is a stablemate/mini scale native Arabian costume, modeled closely after a historic Jordanian saddle, with a slight tweak to the colors. It is the first 3/32 scale embroidery I have done in ten years, so I enjoyed starting the challenge. This will become a sales piece the weekend before Valentine's Day.

Compared to inspiration: